“highly regarded for his IP litigation skills.”
Legal 500 2024
“Vast experience in criminal enforcement work against counterfeiters”
World Trademark Review 1000, 2024
Licenciado en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho de ESADE, Universidad Ramon Llull de Barcelona y miembro del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona desde 2000.
Cursó estudios de postgrado especializándose en diferentes áreas de la Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual. En 1999 fue beneficiario de una beca Erasmus en la Universidad de Copenhague.
Experiencia Profesional
Entre 2000 y 2004 trabajó en el Bufete Ventura Garcés Abogados, dedicándose al ámbito jurídico mercantil, especializándose en Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual. En 2001 colaboró puntualmente con el Bufete norteamericano Gould & Ratner.
En 2004 se incorporó a Grau & Angulo y es socio desde 2013.
Áreas de actividad
Antipiratería y derecho penal de marcas.
Publicaciones y conferencias
- Calculation of damages in criminal IP cases (Spain)
EUROJUST. June 6th 2024. - Spanish IP crime prosecutions
The European Observatory on Infringements of IP rights. EUIPO. Regional EIPPN Meeting in Brussels. May 22nd and 23rd 2024. - HIDDEN LINKS
An Insight from Spain. The ACG. July 13th 2023. - HIDDEN LINKS: a new method of selling counterfeit goods online (case study from Spain)
US DOJ/EUROJUST monthly American/European lecture. November 28th 2023. - Storage costs generated by deposit of counterfeit goods
International Law Office (Febrero 2018) - Progressive abandonment of consumer error theory in criminal jurisprudence
International Law Office (Febrero 2017) - Des pays, des PI: tour d’horizon des bonnes pratiques (Espagne).
UNIFAB, Paris (December 2016) - Criminal conviction in trademark imitation case
International Law Office (Noviembre 2015) - Amendments to Criminal Code come into force
World Trademark Review (julio 2015) - Spanish Appeal Court decision drops long-held Consumer Error Theory
BNA International (marzo 2015) - Is Tarragona Court of Appeal abandoning consumer error theory?
International Law Office (enero 2015) - Draft bill to amend Criminal Code: impact on IP crimes
International Law Office (septiembre 2013) - Infringement of IP right automatically means that rights holder has suffered damages
WTR Daily (abril 2013) - Appeal court interprets prescription after Criminal Code reform
International Law Office (enero 2013) - Conviction for imitation of well-known trade mark: cover registration provides no cover
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Oxford Journals (octubre 2012) - Beware cover registrations imitating well-known trademarks
International Law Office (junio 2012) - Courts debate who should bear destruction and storage costs
International Law Office (mayo 2011) - Court of Appeal denies use of trademark to protect importing of Armani imitations
World Intellectual Property Report, BNA International (abril 2012) - Amendments to the Spanish Criminal Code
BNA International (septiembre 2010) - Impact of Criminal Code amendments on IP rights
International Law Office (agosto 2010) - Amendments to the Spanish Criminal Code
MARQUES Newsletter (agosto 2010) - Changes to the criminal prosecution of parallel imports
International Law Office (julio 2010) - Conviction for Marketing Fake Products Online
International Law Office (noviembre 2009) - Big Secret. What is ACTA?
World Trademark Review (sep/oct 2008) - EU Proposals For Harmonization Of Criminal Measures To Combat Counterfeiting And Piracy
Mondaq (feb 2006) - Modificaciones en el Código Penal y su efecto en la Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual
TOGAS, La Vanguardia (feb 2005)
Español, inglés y catalán.
Asociaciones Profesionales
Miembro del Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona.
Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Spain™ 2024
World Trademark Review 1000 2024 – Silver Tier Recommended Individual